With STA Accounting, you are not a cog in a corporate machine. We care about our clients and in helping them achieve their goals.
We understand that Staying Ahead of the Pack means different things to different people. Our mission is to understand what your "Pack" is and to help you stay ahead of it!
We have been involved in tax, accounting and business development for nearly 25 years. Along with running STA Accounting for well over 10 years, we have been heavily involved in Not For Profit Organisations, understood the daily challenges small-medium business face through working as a Financial Controller and sat on the board of small community groups on a voluntary basis. In a nutshell, we have the technical experience to help you in whatever situation you are in and we understand the need to combine that with practical, affordable solutions that add value to your business.
STA Accounting, Taxation & Business Services
2/210-212 Pakenham Street, Echuca Victoria 3564, Australia
Copyright © 2021 STA Accounting, Taxation and Business Services - All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. ABN 67 681 744 613